Tuesday, July 9, 2013


We've covered the rest, so today we get to Hufflepuff House.  Hufflepuffs are described as just, loyal and hard-working, but they definitely get a bad rap in the house system.  You get the idea that Hufflepuffs are the dorks of the wizarding world.  Gryffindors are brave, Ravenclaws are smart, and Slytherins are clever (when they're being described politely).  I would want to be in Gryffindor, would settle for Ravenclaw, but I'm pretty sure I'd get sorted into Hufflepuff.  I'd definitely be a dork in the wizarding world.  And yet, what's wrong with being just, loyal and hard-working?  They just aren't as flashy as the other houses.  So I will embrace my inner Hufflepuff and look at today's batch of shoes.

I don't think yellow is necessarily my best color, but maybe I could just accent the black with it.
Hey, guess what?  My new antibiotics help treat or prevent anthrax and the plague in certain patients!  I find this hilarious.  They also cause insomnia, so it was very early this morning before I got to sleep.  Not good.  Will be taking them in the morning from here on out.  But, thankfully I don't have to worry about the plague, so that's a plus.
In other news, the hubby comes home tonight!  It's about time, he's been gone for 2 weeks, and was gone for almost 2 weeks not long before this.  Granted, I do like hogging the bed while he's gone, but it's time for him to return to me.

1 comment:

  1. OOOOOH - YELLOW High-tops! I love them! Yellow is not my color either, but I do love the yellow high-tops.
