Saturday, July 13, 2013


It's possible that writing this blog is ruining me for public settings.  It's just as possible that I've always been weird/crazy.  I can't go anywhere without checking out people's shoes.  I've always done this to a certain extent, but it's definitely more prominent now.  And now I have conversations in my head about whether it's possible to surreptitiously take pictures of shoes I see, or how I can ask without coming across as completely crazy.  Tonight I was at a parishioner's house for dinner.  We have a missionary visiting from Rwanda who will be in church with us tomorrow, so tonight was a nice dinner in her honor.  Both the missionary and the woman sitting next to me were wearing really cute sandals.  I did not take pictures, nor did I ask, but I thought about it while gazing adoringly and longingly at their shoes and thinking about this blog.  One more reason I clearly need therapy.  Instead of traumatizing parishioners and random Rwandan missionaries, I decided to go to Zappos and look at sandals.  Here are a few that caught my attention.

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