Friday, July 12, 2013

Ode to My Mama

Today is my mom's birthday.  Hi, mom!  In honor of this very special day, here are shoes from some of the different years of her life.  (Side note:  Please note that none of these shoes are hers and my  mother would probably never wear any of them, so don't hold any of them against her!)
Mom was born in 1947.
Then she was a  kid and did stuff (I don't know...I wasn't there...).  I hope it involved saddle shoes at some point.
In 1965 she graduated from High School.

She went to college, met my dad, and they got married in 1967.  It was the Summer of Love.  Except that my parents got married in November, so I guess it was the Fall of Love.  I couldn't find any wedding shoes from that year for some reason, but Mom's were exactly like mine except not blue, or peep toe, or with an ankle strap.  Or a shoe clip.  So you can picture them, I'm sure.
My seester was born in September of 1969.  These shoes are both awful and adorable.  They're awforable...
My brother was born in 1971.  I think most people had to be high to survive the 70s...
Her favorite child was born in 1975!
In 1984 Mom started working at the school in my hometown (yes, there was only 1.  Well, 2, but I went K-12 in the same building)

Somewhere around 1990 Mom began doing daycare.  She counted recently and has taken care of almost 30 children since then.  Because she's awesome.  She definitely did not wear these shoes while running after small children.
In 2001 she and my dad and my brother bought the movie theater in my home town.  How cool is that?

Obviously this is only a teeny tiny itty bitty portion of my mother's life.  There is so much more.  But since we're already at 11 pictures for 1 post, I'm thinking that's enough for now.  I like the linking of shoes with different years, though, so be prepared for more like this.  Happy Birthday, Mom!  Love you to the moon and back!



  1. No cute baby shoes and saddle shoes rank right below wing tips for me. I did have some cute green suede heels in the 60's. Love you too. ME

    1. I know you didn't have cute baby shoes, but I always block your dislike of saddle shoes. I love them and therefor you must too, apparently!

  2. small corrections '66 & '68 ME

  3. But of course you did. ME

    1. Apparently I just wanted the seester to be the same age as our hubbies. :-)
