Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Fam and a Search for Beavers

We had a mini family reunion today, which was awesome.  My aunt is staying with my parents this summer, so we've been enjoying visiting with her, and today my uncle came over to hang out.  It makes for a total of 13 people, which isn't huge, but it's my family and I love them to pieces.  So we spent time chatting and hanging out.  Most of us went for ice cream after dinner.  The hubby, seester, brother-in-law, Flower, Laughter and I went on a beaver hunt this evening.  We didn't find any, but we saw a heron, a million deer, 5 cormorants, 2 osprey (and a baby osprey!), and 2 baby ducks.  Fun fun fun.  This is where I grew up:

No shoes tonight.  Just nature.  Nature is prettier.  And more natural.

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