Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Yay, Friends!

Another lovely MT day.  We didn't do much but hang out with nieces, but that is perfectly fine with me.  Then this evening I had 2 friends from different parts of my life drive out to see us while we're home.  I have awesome friends.  Neither of these women know each other except for possibly meeting at the wedding last summer.  But since tonight was the night that worked best in their schedules they both came out.  I always find it fascinating when various parts of my life come together.  This time it was fun to hang out with both of them and watch them talk to and hang out with each other.  I'm very happy I got to see them, even though it was too brief.
In other friend news here are 2 pictures posted by friends of mine today and yesterday:
Cute!  Love the color, love the style.  Even like the bow.  I would wear these.

Oh man, I hope these are photo-shopped.  I didn't do any research to find out, just posting it for your enjoyment/horror. 
Coincidentally, Shoe Box P--- posted this today:
Thanks, friends, for all of the ways you are awesome!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man I love the bow shoes, very pretty. Eeeek to the croc boot! I do love the color of the croc though. I know this surprises you:)
