Sunday, July 28, 2013

Virginia City

This morning the parents, hubby, and I got up, had breakfast, and then headed an hour or so from Bozeman to Virginia City to visit DJ.  DJ is living here with her grandmother this summer and working several jobs.  I can't believe how grown up she is!  We did touristy things (Mom even made DJ and I get one of those old-timey pictures.  We dressed slutty and had guns and hootch!).  Mom and Dad had to leave early to get back to run the theater tonight, but the hubby and I hung out with DJ for most of the day.  We (not DJ) even tried Rocky Mountain Oysters!  They weren't as disgusting as I was expecting, but now that I've tried them I never need to try them again.  One of the stores we went into had period clothes, hats and shoes.  I felt like Laura Ingalls in some of the hats (which of course I had to try on).  The clothes were lovely, and you know I took pictures of the shoes for you:

I love these.  I'm sure they were crazy uncomfortable in their time, but as a girl who read the Little House series 8 million times, I have always been enamored of shoes like these.  I want to wear them with a long skirt, a shirt-waist and a poke bonnet and ride around in a buggy with Almanzo.
Tonight we are staying in Nevada City, which is about a mile from Virginia City.  We have a really cool Victorian room that looks a bit like an elegant brothel.  Mom says it's fitting considering the picture DJ and I took today.
Tomorrow we start driving home.  Back to reality and done with vacation.  Rude.

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