Monday, July 29, 2013

Travel Day

The hubby woke me up at 5 this morning to see if I wanted to get on the road.  It's a 14 hour trip from Nevada City to home, and he figured we could make it in 1 day.  I could barely open my eyes and adamantly refused to get up.  Poor guy was trying to be nice and save us an extra night in a hotel.  I was not cooperative.  So tonight we are staying in Elko, NV.  It was a looooong day.  There is one part of the drive that feels like it takes forever.  I drove it last year and the hubby drove today and it's just brutal.  The best part of the trip is stopping at the Snake River Canyon.
The view looking down.
The view looking up.  The place is absolutely gorgeous.  This picture doesn't even do it justice.
So  now we are in Elko.  Our room is nice.  King bed, couch, chair, but the decor is straight out of the 80s.   Mom said we went from the 1880s to the 1980s and sadly she's right.  It's been an odd night so far.  When we got here the ac in our room was set at 52.  It was freezing.  It was only in the low 80s today, so I turned it off and we went to dinner.  When we came back it was still blowing like crazy.  I had to turn the heat on just to warm the room up because opening the door was taking too long.  At dinner I got an entire bottle of water dumped on me.  It was a very wet meal.  I was wet from chin to knee, and it also managed to seep under me so my butt was wet.  Then we decided to be silly and each put $4 in the slot machines.  The first 3 tries we both lost.  The 4th try I lost and the hubby won 50 bucks.  Yay, hubby!  Also very annoying as I NEVER win anything.  I would have been happy with $5.  Tomorrow we will drive home.  Hopefully I will be able to wake up a little earlier than today.


1 comment:

  1. The not winning anything must be a family trait, except for your brother's girls who tend to win everything in sight. ME
