Sunday, July 21, 2013


And we're off!  The hubby and I drove 12 hours today and are more than half-way to our destination.  We are 4 hours further than we originally intended to be tonight, which is awesome.  Can't wait to get home to the fam tomorrow.  Since today was spent entirely in the car, I'm borrowing something from Shoe Box P--- today.  Take a look and see which shoes are yours.
I'm an Aries, and my shoes are OK, but not my favorite.  I have no idea how whoever put this together chose which shoes went with which sign.  Maybe there is a system, maybe it's totally random.  What do you think?  Are your shoes "you?"


  1. Beana likes ours sort of, I don't but we both like the color. Beana thinks Scorpio & Sagittarius are UGLY! ME

    1. The color is awesome. They don't look comfortable, though.

  2. Im a taurus. I kind of like them, think they may look pretty on but not something I would buy. I like Libra's but wouldn't be able to walk in them

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