Monday, July 22, 2013

Yay! We Made It!

Aaaaah....we made it.  The rest of the drive was fine, but it seemed to take forever.  One of the reasons was a good one as we got to see some friends I hadn't seen in years and the hubby had never met.  They were heading back to OR from MT, and we were going to pass at some point on the freeway anyway, so we met them in Spokane for a bit.  It was so fun to see them and their beautiful daughters!  Then we finally finally finally made it home.  We pulled in the driveway and 3/5 of the nieces plus 1 of the sort of nieces came screaming out of the house for hugs.  We had family dinner for The Bean's birthday, and it was wild and chaotic and fabulous.  I'm babbling, and I don't even care because I'm home and there are babies and what more could an auntie want?  Here are 4/5 of the nieces' shoes.  DJ is working in Virginia City this summer, so we are missing her terribly.
AA loves her some green.  These are sparkly, although you can't really tell.
The Bean is wearing her auntie's favorite color.  Cuz she is awesome like that.  These are also sparkly.
Flower! Her flip flops are about an inch and a half high so she's "tall."  This is also a hilarious angle from her knees down.


I only actually saw Laughter put these on right when she was leaving to go home.  The rest of the time she was blissfully barefoot.  Which is how I always preferred to be in the summer.
I love being home.  It makes me very happy.  The blog entries seem kind of hilarious, though, as it's my mom (Hi, Mom!) who is my most consistent reader, and she already knows what's going on as she's here.

1 comment:

  1. Yaaay AA!!! I love me some green too! I think yours are by far the best!;)
