Monday, August 5, 2013


It's another one of those days off where I feel like I've gotten a ton of stuff done and nothing done at all.  I have gotten a bunch of stuff done, but I feel like there is soooo much that should be done that I'm not getting to.  So I'm taking a few minutes to write instead of fretting over what I should be doing.  I haven't done a specific decade since April, so today we head to the 40s.  The 40s had some awesome fashion, and some awesome shoes.  Sadly, the 40s also had WWII, but let's just look at shoes, shall we?
Ankle straps, t-straps, saddle it any wonder I love the shoes from this period?  I also love the hair, but that's another subject.

Not my favorite, but I like them in general.  I don't like the aerated look, but the little bows and peep toes are cute.

I think these are cute?  From this angle they seem very cute, so I'm just going to go with that.

How cool is this shape?  I wonder if that pointy part chafes or pokes you in the ankle or anything?
Ooooh...I was just thinking about how I would love to have some of the above for the imaginary shoe closet, and what kinds of outfits I would pair with the shoes for life in my imaginary musical, when it occurred to me that CLEARLY my shoe closet needs sections devoted to each decade.

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