Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Handbag Tuesday

Remember way back when I got this book from one of my Arts Camp volunteers?

If not, don't feel bad.  It took me forever to find the original post because I couldn't for the life of me remember when I had written it.  Anyhoo, when I got the book I said I would occasionally post from it for a bit of a change of pace.  That was over 4 months ago and I haven't done it yet.  Today I am remedying that with Handbag Tuesday.  It kind of stinks that there isn't a day of the week that starts with H so I could have alliteration, but whatever.  Tuesday is just arbitrary.  I won't necessarily do this every Tuesday, but hopefully I'll do it again before another 4 months pass.  As part of the process I popped into the front office and asked our admin person to choose a number between 10 and 439.  She totally thinks I'm weird(er) now, but she was awesome and threw out 368.  Here is page 368:
This is a "tapestry and sculpted chenille bag with satin lining" from the 60s.  I'm not mad at it or anything, but it's not a purse I would choose for myself. 
Since this is a blog about shoes, I then went and did an image search for tapestry shoes.  There are so very many; you should definitely go check out the wider selection.

I just can't with these.  Holy cow, my eyes.  Don't get me wrong, I loved me a good tapestry vest as much as the next person in the 90s, but these shoes are a new level of crazy.  Especially that last picture.  How many cat tapestries had to die to make those ugly-ass boots?
Thank you to my fabulous front-office lady for helping me try something new today.  Next time try to pick a page number that doesn't lead to me needing to scrub my inner eye with a louffa... :-P


  1. okay this is your admin person...if you would've given numbers from 3-400 and whatever I would've chosen 3! I really like the Tapestry lace up boots. I would have totally wore those 30 years ago!

    1. I like that you chose 368! Even though the tapestry shoes aren't my favorite, it was still fun to see where a random number in a book took me. Want to choose again next week?
