Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Little Respect, People

I had an all day council retreat today.   It's a good group of people and I think they got some important work done during the time.  After the retreat there was some time to kill before dinner.  Not enough to go home and get the hubby (we only have 1 car while mine is in the shop), so I went to Target to get a few things and see about flip flops.  Here is what I encountered:
This is unacceptable.  Why can't people just put them back after looking?  Is it necessary to paw through them and leave them strewn about the floor in a giant pile?  I realize they are on clearance, but does that give us the right to become animals with no consideration for anyone else?  It was annoying to shop in, but more than that, I feel really bad for the person who has to clean this up tonight.  Sometimes people suck.  Yes, I am a pastor and believe we are all children of God regardless, but still, as humans, we sometimes suck.  Plain and simple.
On a happier note, I found some flip flops, on lovely clearance:
I like them.  They've got my favorite color, but a little pop of brightness as well.  They were under $4, which is awesome.  And they are surprisingly comfortable considering how much I loathe that thing between my toes.  So success was had.  Wonder which niece will end up with these?

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering the same thing. Guess you'll have to ignore the adorable faces and keep them hidden. ME
