Friday, August 2, 2013

My Inability to Keep Flip Flops

An awesome friend of mine took us out for pedicures today.  I forgot to bring flip flops with me to work, but then I remembered that I don't actually have any.  Remember these?

These were the shoes that The Bean was wearing when we got to MT last week.  A day or 2 later, they broke.  She kept trying to walk in them anyway.  So I gave her mine.

I had packed them in case we went to the pool or I encountered a particularly scary shower during our travels.  But they fit The Bean, so I let her keep them.  This isn't the first time this has happened.  A few years ago AA's flip flops broke and I gave her mine to wear.  I think in that case it was supposed to be a loan and she just decided to keep them.  I didn't even try to make it a loan to The Bean this time; I learned my lesson.  Thankfully flip flops are cheap and I don't get attached to them.
So, today I got to have a pair of the fake flip flops they give you when you don't bring your own.
Between green flops, pink toe separators, and lilac toes, my feet looked like an Easter basket.  Oh well.  My toes are happy.  The Bean has summer shoes.  I get to go see if Target still has flip flops or if they've all been pushed out by Fall stuff already.


  1. Such a good aunty! ME

    1. I can't help it. They suck me in with those adorable faces.
