Friday, August 30, 2013


OK, so I admit it:  I have too many pairs of shoes.  I haven't counted lately, but it's somewhere around 50, which could be a lot worse, but is definitely a lot of shoes.  I know this because the hubby invited a bunch of people over for a BBQ tonight and we've been cleaning the house.  My shoe rack has long since warped and dropped most of the shoes, so they've just been in a pile on the floor of the guest room closet.  Last night I put them into 2 huge boxes to get them off the floor and into the closet so the door would close.  This is not ideal.  Neither was the huge pile, but that was easier to dig through.  So storage is an issue.  I don't know where to put 50 pairs of shoes.  Oh, there are also 2 under-the-bed containers with my flats.  The closet just has heels and boots.  I guess it's time to purge.  I might have to cry.  I always purge when I move, but it's depressing every time.  Sigh.
On a non-shoe related note (because I am now in mourning) on Sunday at church one of my 4th graders gave me this:

She made me a wallet.  Out of duct tape.  But not just any duct tape.  No, this is awesome blue duct tape with tie-dyed peace signs on it.  Because she is the coolest kid ever.


  1. You just need to find stronger shoe racks that won't collapse! The duct tape wallet is cool. Niece #2 has a camo one. ME

    1. Niece#2 is AA. Honestly, woman, can you not even remember the made up names of your own grandchildren? :-P

      PS--I've been listening to HP...Fred and George are always addressing their mother as Honestly, woman. It's rude, and you may ground me as you see fit.
