Thursday, August 29, 2013

Several Days in the Making

I have been thinking about writing this post since Saturday, but each day something else has popped up that I wrote about instead.  Apparently our anniversary has yet to be recognized as a national holiday or the shoe calendar would have given us something better:

These look lie a woodshop project. Now, there's nothing wrong with experimental shoe projects in woodshop, but considering weekends only get 1 picture, I had to look at this incredibly boring shoe for my entire anniversary weekend.  (I know...don't you just feel sooo bad for me?)
I love these.  I love the bright (mostly) primary colors and the stitching and the general fun nature of this shoe.  Until I realized, wait, is that?  Yes, that is the heel.  That's not just some random empty plastic ribbon spool that they propped the shoe on for artistic purposes.  That's the heel.  And it is ugly.  I want to rip the sandal right off of that thing, and flatten the sandal into a flat.  Then I would be happy.  See how everything is all about me today?
This is today's shoe, and I like it.  It's from the same time period as the Turkish shoes I posted in a recent handbag post.  I don't like this one quite as well, but I still really like it.  Love the detailing.
So, that's one thing accomplished in a very long list of things I am currently behind on.


1 comment:

  1. You probably wouldn't be allow to wear the sandals because they're to much like Laughter's recently rediscovered ones. I couldn't even look at a pair that ware similar to hers. ME
