Sunday, August 25, 2013

Grave Shoes

I was planning on a different post today until my aunt sent me this:

This is the grave of my first cousin twice removed (my grandmother's cousin), who died recently.  My aunt visited the cemetery today and saw these shoes, filled with flowers, sitting on her grave.  I have to say, as much as I love shoes, I've never thought about this. I find it both endearing and a little odd.  I kind of want to more.  Were these her favorite shoes?  Is this a tradition of some kind for their family?  Was she a shoe fan like me?  I didn't know this cousin, so I might never know the answer to this.  Makes me think I might come by my shoe obsession naturally, though.
Cute shoes.  I hope no one decides to take them.  That would just be tacky and rude.


  1. She was Grandma's cousin-in-law so it's doubtful that's where you got your shoe obsession.ME

    1. Oh've been gone for a week and your first comment when you get back is a correction? Sheesh...

  2. Sheesh yourself! Much more likely it came from Grandma herself. ME

  3. Which would be awesome! I need a time machine so I can go hang out with Grandma during her shoe/fashion plate days.
