Saturday, August 24, 2013

First Anniversary

Today is the hubby's and my first anniversary.  Hard to believe we've been married a year already, the time has gone fast.  A year ago at this time I was getting my hair done in preparation for make-up dress, a million pictures, a worship service, and finally a party.  I have so many great memories of that day.  Some are a little blurry, so thank goodness for pictures and an awesome wedding video!  It was so amazing to be surrounded by family and friends.  We each had 6 attendants (I wanted 3, the hubby wanted 10...we compromised at 6).  All of my nieces took part in the wedding, and all were incredibly gorgeous.   My sister was my matron of honor.  My aunt and best friend were bridesmaids, along with the hubby's cousin.  Said cousin is a body builder and hence in incredible shape and beautiful as hell.  We had 3 pastors do our wedding.  Yes, I know this is overkill, but I have LOTS of friends who are pastors (in fact, we had 7 pastors + 2 more almost-pastors in attendance, and several more were invited but couldn't make it), and I couldn't choose between the 3 of them.  So we had the BSF, my other seminary roommate, and the third who was my friend first in seminary and then during my first call in Montana.  We got married in my hometown in Montana and the day and the weather were absolutely perfect.  I can't thank my family again for all of the work they did to help us make the day what it was.  In addition to the pastors, I had friends do my hair, do the wedding video, read the lessons and be our accompanist.  I really loved having so many people I love be so intimately involved in the process.  If I had known I was going to be starting this blog I would have taken more shoe pictures, but here are a few.
My rehearsal shoes.  Loved them.  My dress was a really pretty blue, but kind of plain, so the shoes brightened things up.

My awesome pastors and our awesome shoes.  I am so very blessed to have these 3 women in my life.  It was worth the seminary debt just to meet them.
Our photographer took this while we were walking to take more pictures.  I love the pops of blue.  My sash was really pretty, with amazing detail that you can only partially see.  The shoes I basically created by choosing the style, dying them to match the shoes, and buying shoe clips to add some sparkle and fun.

I guess it's time to get back to the day.  We are already an old married couple as we spent the morning with me working on my sermon and the hubby doing his fantasy football draft.  So romantical!

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