Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Handbag Tuesday: Wednesday Edition

It's handbag Tuesday!  And yes, I know it's Wednesday.  I posted about something else yesterday, OK?   So shoot me.'re so particular. our trusty admin chose the number 13, so here is page 13:

It's an embroidered, drawstring bag from 1820.  I don't love it, I don't hate it.  It's kind of leaving me a little meh.  Not it's fault, I'm just not feeling it today.
The calendar picture for today, on the other hand...
Holy insanity, Batman!  My first response was what the hell IS that?  Then I read the blurb and it was described as a "Lady Gaga" boot.  Oh.  Of course it is.  This thing is hideous on so many levels.  I would have to scrub my feet 7 million times after wearing these just to make them feel less icky.

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