Friday, August 16, 2013

Still Waiting for the Third Thing

So Wednesday afternoon my laptop died.  The screen went black and it wouldn't turn on anymore.  Our IT guy basically said I was screwed and to get a new one.  I know, helpful, right?  It's my church laptop (actually the only one I have since my personal one hasn't been used in quite some time due to major issues).  Fortunately I was able to get a new one, but getting the hard drive transferred over turned out to me more of an issue than I ever would have thought.  Is there a special class for computer people to take that teaches them to be that amazingly unhelpful?  So that was the first thing.  Then 2:30 Thursday morning I started throwing up.  I'll spare you the details, but as you can imagine it wasn't fun.  I spent yesterday recovering and trying to get my new laptop up and running with everything I need on it.  So, at the risk of sounding like the dog ate my homework, that's the reason for no post yesterday.  They say things tend to come in threes, so I'm waiting for that 3rd thing to hit.  Unless I can count the fact that 25 hours after I started throwing up the hubby got the bug.  Can I count that if it didn't happen to me?  Maybe I should.  Otherwise, as I posted on facebook yesterday, I'm going to get a helmet and go build a fort out of pillows.  Anyone want to join me?
Tonight the hubby (thankfully both feeling mostly better) had a dinner to go to.  It was a nice night, lots of good conversation and laughter.  There was also a 2 1/2 week old baby there.  She was so adorable.  She decided to be fussy right when her mom was trying to eat.  Since I had finished eating and had just washed my hands, I offered to take the baby.  She fussed for about 10 minutes, then snuggled into my shoulder and fell asleep.  Mom said I was the baby whisperer and wouldn't let anyone take her from me since she was so content.  I held that little bundle for probably an hour and a half.  It was heaven.  In honor of the cuteness, I'm posting this picture that I found on Pinterest the other night:
I can't sew, but surely my mom would make these for any future baby we might have?  Even if it's a boy...? :-P
Oh man!  I just realized I lost my shoe picture folder when my laptop died.  Rude.  I realize they're mostly all on the blog, but they were all nicely consolidated in that folder.

1 comment:

  1. I certainly could and probably would make those for a future baby girl. We would have to make a few changes for a future baby boy. ME a future grandma?
