Friday, August 23, 2013


A friend of mine posted this on my facebook wall this morning.

By this logic I eat a lot of salad.  Actually I do tend to eat a lot of actual salad, but I'm liking this concept better.  If only chocolate were as healthy as salad and didn't make me gain weight.
So, chocolate and shoes, 2 of my favorite things.  Did you know there are lots and lots of chocolate shoes out there?  Well there are, and here are some of my favorites:

Some of these I would totally wear if they were actual shoes.  The problem I have with all of these is that they are chocolate, and chocolate should be eaten. But they are also so pretty, and I feel like they would make lovely additions to my office shoe shrine.  Eat them or look at them?  Although, while I didn't look into it, I fear that chocolate shoes might cost almost as much as actual shoes, so I would probably never buy any.  I would rather buy real shoes.  But if anyone were to ever give me some chocolate shoes, then the dilemma would apply.
PS--remember yesterday when I was annoyed with our IT guy?  Last night after I got home I totally figured out how to fix the problem he was so ticked off about.  I am not that techy, and this was a really easy fix.  I'm really not sure what to say about that.

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