Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Thanks, Hubby!

When I got home from church last night the hubby was all excited and told me he had something for me for the blog.  The hubby doesn't read the blog, so the fact that he found something, and was excited about it was already fun.  He said, "it's not shoes, though, so I don't know if you'll use it."  Are you kidding?  He made an effort and took an could have been something entirely random and I would have used it.  Turns out, I loved it:

Oh man, do I want a pair of these.  I have friends who knit, I'm sure they could whip me up a pair, right?  These totally crack me up.  Whimsical, but disturbing.  I love the little blood drop.  I would totally wear these with a skirt (just not on a day I was with the preschoolers...).  Does this mean I'm also whimsical, but a little disturbed?  Or just plain crazy?

1 comment:

  1. Definitely not crazy but maybe seriously weird. They are pretty cute though. ME
