Sunday, August 11, 2013


Today is the birthday of my BFF.  It's sometimes hard for me to believe that we have been friends for 17 years, but other times it feels like we have been friends for much, much longer than that.  We met in college when she was living in the dorm where a friend of mine was her RA.  We both had not-so-great roommates that semester (my 2nd, her 1st) and ended up living together for the spring semester.  We pretty much clicked right from the beginning, sharing a love of movies, The Beatles, Target, and many other things.  We quickly developed our own inside jokes and language about stuff, and right to this day we can set off on a giggle-fest that lasts for hours and completely baffles the people around us.  Sadly we live way too far apart now and I don't get to see her or her son as often as I would like, and I have yet to meet her new husband.  Thank goodness for cell phones and Skype. 
This morning I texted her and asked her to send me a picture of her feet.  She and her husband are enjoying a music festival so have been camping this weekend.  So her footwear is appropriate:
If our feet were the same size I would totally borrow these.  Like I said, these are completely appropriate for what they are doing this weekend, but these are also the BFF's style.  She is much more practical than I when it comes to shoes.  Oh yeah, another thing we had in common was our love of Birkenstocks (don't judge...we went to a liberal arts college in the 90s).  The BFF wears totally cute shoes, but they are much better for her feet than some of the ones I am drawn to.  Anyway, Happy Birthday, to my BFF, my life is so much better with you in it!

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