Saturday, August 10, 2013


Yesterday I had a decent excuse for not writing.  Not great, but not bad:  I was busy at church during the day helping our admin person clean out closets and office (man, we save some weird stuff in random places), I had a meeting at 3:00, went immediately from there to running errands, then home to get ready for date night.  The hubby and I went to see The King and I and it was fabulous!  So much fun.  It was theater in the round, so I'm always fascinated to see what they do with the sets and entrances, and the directions the actors face, etc. etc. etc. (did you see what I did there?).  It was definitely my favorite of the 3 plays we've seen this summer.  Now I want to go back and watch the movie again.  After the play we stopped by to spend some time with some friends of ours, and by the time we got home it was already today and I'd missed my window.
Today's excuse is just plain not writing.  I slept in, we did some housework, had a Big Brother marathon to catch up what was on the DVR (I know...I can't believe I'm watching it either), hung out, and then when the hubby left for the evening I enjoyed some introvert time, did some more housework, putzed around on the internet...basically just not writing.  So.  Here it is.  Today's post.  Which should involve shoes of some sort.  Shoes...hmmmm...It's not like when we saw The Wizard of Oz and I could post about ruby slippers.  The calendar today isn't that spectacular.  SBP isn't doing much for me lately.  In short.  I got nothing.  Aren't you glad I took the time to write today?  But now I feel bad.  I should be able to find  you one picture, right?  I mean, it's a blog about shoes.  What the heck?  Are you even still reading?  Surely you have something much more interesting you could be doing right now?  Fine.  I'll just go randomly google something and post a picture.
Whew...hopefully we all feel better now.

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