Sunday, August 18, 2013

Yes, I am a Slacker

It was a busy weekend.  I wore shoes.  I didn't write about them.  There, I said it.  I haven't been keeping up the last few days.  Hopefully the internet has provided you with many many many more things to read.  Today was church, of course, although church with ice cream and a face painter after, so that was fun and different.  I even got my face painted, but I didn't have anyone take a picture of it.  The hubby and I were invited over to our neighbor's house tonight for hors d'oeuvres, which was lovely, and we got to  meet another neighbor (well, I met her, the hubby had already met her, but doesn't know her well).  So it was a good day.  I'm tired now, though...lots of extrovert time this weekend, which always makes me want to hibernate for awhile.  That is much harder to do now that I have a flaming extrovert for a husband.  No matter how sturdy I build the pillow fort, he always manages to find me...
Since it's Sunday I decided to do an image shoes for church shoes and mostly what came up were shoes for men.  I have nothing against men's shoes, but what, women don't wear church shoes?  So then I typed in church shoes women and a lot of the pictures still looked like men's shoes.  What the heck?  I also noticed that a lot of the so-called church shoes are of the spectator shoe variety.

Hmmmm....Maybe I'm doing it wrong?  Nah...clearly my church shoes are the best.

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