Saturday, September 28, 2013


Yesterday the calendar presented me with this:

These are by a designer called Masaya Kushino, and they are crazy.  The boot part isn't bad, but then you get to that crazy heel.  They are called Aries boots, which makes sense since the sign for Aries is a ram.  But these make me not want to be an Aries.  Of course I looked up the designer, and these are actually mild by comparison.
I think I've featured these before, but I will confess to being lazy and not looking up the entry.  How do you walk in these things?

These are actually kind of pretty.  I mean, the colors are lovely, but I have no idea what in the heck is going on with these insanely busy shoes.

Topiary shoes?  Do people actually wear these?  How itchy would these be?  I feel my allergies reacting just looking at the picture.
I'm pretty sure I have found out where Lady Gaga gets her shoes.  There are soooo many more, and you really should go peruse the pictures.  I have one more to share with you, although they aren't shoes.  I'm going to leave  you with it without commentary.  Just bask in the strangeness.


  1. No comment is right! ME

    1. I think you should get a pair of the gloves and wear them at the theater for Halloween....

  2. Eeek those will appear in my nightmares, no doubt! Why do I want to try them on?:/

    1. Nothing wrong with trying them on! I would just to see how you walk in the silly pony tail ones. Now if you were wanting to actually BUY some, then I would be worried!
