Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday, Fall, Feet

We don't get terribly defined seasons here, like we did in MT.  The calendar says it's Fall, but while some trees change, it just doesn't look or feel like Fall to me.  On the positive side, it isn't as hot.  It's cooling off nicely at night, and not getting as hot during the day.  But I'm still wearing capris and t-shirts as opposed to jeans and sweaters.  This is one thing I definitely miss about living in MT.  I don't necessarily miss snow and all that comes with it, but I miss having 4 distinct seasons.  Anyhoodle, it is Fall, which got me to thinking about seasons and changing leaves, etc.  That thinking led me to search for leaf shoes.  There are some interesting ones out there, let me tell you.  Here, I'll show you a few:
Clearly these are elf shoes.  You know, an elf in the Fall.

Girlier elf shoes.  A very little elf, though, as I don't think you could actually put much weight on those heels.  Cute boots, though.

These are just odd.  I'm not sure what it is about them that makes me say ew, but they're not my favorite.

Actual boots!  And by that I mean I'm not sure the first three are meant to actually be shoes for people.  They seem more like art.  Or a pinterest project.  Or shoes for a costume.  These are kind of fun, though.  They could also be for a costume, but I could see them being worn other times, too.
Happy Fall!  Whether you're wearing sandals or boots or something in-between, here's hoping you're having a lovely season.

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