Monday, September 30, 2013

Book 4

I'm a little over half-way through listening to The Goblet of Fire.  I would be further, but I keep having technical difficulties with my iPod.  Does it not understand my needs???  Rude technology.

Anyhoo, I was living in Texas when this one came out.  I remember pre-ordering the book, going to Borders the day it came out, and then spending ALL day reading the entire book.  It was an awesome day.  I also remember when the publicity came out for it saying something like, "Wow, look how grown up Harry is getting!"  My aunt just gave me a look like I was weird.  Which I was.  Whatever.  In Book 4 Harry is involved in the Tri-Wizard tournament, and ends up having to get past a dragon in of of the tasks.  So today I bring you dragon shoes!
These aren't real, but I wish they were.  I would wear these.

Shut up.  They're cute, OK?  Baby feet need dragons, too.

Oh.  My.  Goodness.  These are insane.  I've never been high, but I'm just imagining someone who was staring at these and freaking out.

Awesome.  I would also wear these.  They are a little bit creepy, but that's why I like them.


  1. That top pair has a scary heel! I've heard of stiletto heels but that's ridiculous. ME

    1. Well that's why they aren't real. I don't think you could walk in them without snapping the heel.
