Tuesday, October 1, 2013


I chopped 10 inches off of my hair today.  I couldn't take it anymore, it was sweaty and itchy and driving me crazy being on my neck.  I went from this
to this
and it is SO much better.  The hubby prefers me with long hair, so he's less than thrilled, but he doesn't have to deal with it.  This is the 3rd time I've grown my hair long enough to donate.  I like it long for awhile, but then I need a change, so I chop it, donate it, and start growing it again.
And because I have what  is clearly a sick mind, tonight I did an image search for "hair shoes."  Oh dear...it's disturbing.  Here are 3 of the least disturbing ones I could find:

Gross.  Gross.  Gross.  Thankfully my donated hair won't be going to any of these examples.  At least I hope not.  Thankfully I won't know one way or the other, so I can just live happily in my possible denial that my hair is 1/12 of some little girl's wig.


  1. Make a deal with hubby that you'll both grow your hair long enough to donate and see if that changes his attitude. ME
