Friday, September 6, 2013

Books 2 and 3

My journey through the Harry Potter audio books continues.  I finished Chamber of Secrets this week

and started Prisoner of Azkaban immediately after.

As I'm sure you've gathered, I love these books.  I've read them a lot.  Before each new book came out I would reread the entire series, and since the last one I tend to read all 7 about once a year.
Chamber of Secrets is the book where we are introduced to Dobby, the house elf.  Did you know that there are shoes with Dobby on them?
You do now!  Despite these being Gryffindor shoes, and therefore awesome, the half of Dobby's face peering out of the left shoe just creeps me out.  I'll just wear the right one and hop around on one foot.
Crocheted Dobby is way cuter!  I kind of want to find this pattern and make my very own Dobby.
Prisoner of Azkaban was definitely my favorite book for a long time.  It might still be, although I think Deathly Hallows may have edged it out.  I like that we get to learn more about Harry's parents in this book, especially his father.  We also learn about Harry's father's friends, who created the Maurader's Map, a magical map that looks like a blank piece of parchment until activated (with the words, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good") and then shows all of the school's secret passages and where each person present in the school is located as you are looking at the map.  Little wonder this map also appears as a theme on shoes.
Edited:  I realized after I posted that I had included this picture.  Clearly these shoes do NOT have the Marauder's Map on them.  But they're still fun.  And since it's a map of the castle, these sort of kind of work.

I know I've been showing a lot of baby shoes lately, but these were too cute to pass up.
There must be a baby in my life who needs these and a crocheted Dobby toy...
I'm listening to books in the car during my commute.  Sometimes I find it difficult to get out of the car when I get to church or home because once I start I want to keep listening, even though I know exactly what is going to happen next.  So, that's my car book.  I also always have a book on my phone that I read while waiting (Dr's appointments, etc.), a book on my nightstand, that I read before bed or when I have a spare moment, and a book (or 2) on my desk at church that I never seem to have enough time during the day to read like I should.  Being in the middle of 4 books at once is awesome.  I'd have more if I had more time.

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