Saturday, September 7, 2013


Whenever Shoe Box P--- puts up a picture that catches my eye I save it to my shoe picture folder for future posts.  Today I noticed that I had 2 pair of green shoes saved in there.

Since one of my very good friends, my mom, my sister, and AA all loooooove green, I figured I would do a whole post of green shoes (remember, if you click on the link you can go explore even more green shoes).  So here we go:
Love these.   Want them.  Could definitely wear them for the way-too-long green season  at church.

I've mentioned it before, but I used to have the pair in the top right corner.  I loved them, but they mangled my toes something awful.

I don't have green boots.  Hmmmm....
These are hilarious.  I want them for Halloween.  I could wear them with my striped socks and be completely frightening from a fashion perspective.
There you go, loved ones.  Hope you enjoyed all the green!


  1. Thanks for all the "geen" shoes! Some of them are really cute and then there is that green and black pair that your sister would love and I despise. ME

    1. The last pair that I want for Halloween? I think they're meant as actual shoes, and I would never wear them in real life, but for Halloween? Heck yeah!

    2. Not the stripy ones the other green and black pair on the right side of the green boots you liked. ME

    3. That was second guess! I actually like those as well.

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE so many of them, even the witchy ones. I also have the perfect pair of socks! Love the first heels the best though. Thank you for my green fix:)

    1. We should all get the green stripy pair for Halloween! :-)
