Sunday, September 15, 2013


I don't know if I was stressed or what last night, but I had some crazy dreams.  The only one I really remember is this:  I was looking at the bottom of my feet and there were tiny little black things sticking out of them.  So I grabbed a pair of tweezers and pulled.  Out came several feathers.  Not little feathers, these were 6-8 inches long.  So I pulled out another set, and another.  I have no idea how long I did this, or if I woke up before the process was over.  Weird.  And creepy.  One friend asked me what it meant?  That I needed feather shoes?  I have no idea what that dream meant, but feather shoes sounded like the perfect subject for a post!
Not too crazy.  Fairly subtle, actually, for feathers.  They look itchy, though.

Wow.  These are crazy.  They look like something out of Dr. Seuss.  Actually, my mom and seester tried to talk me into putting a feathery thing very similar to this on my head for the wedding.  But again, Dr. Seuss.
Oh dear.  No.  Just  no.  These are awful.  Maybe for some kind of theme?  Maybe for Halloween?  Even then I'm not sure I could stick my foot in them.

I  kind of like these.  I don't think I would wear them, but of course I like their color!

I also like the color on these.  They remind me of something Katniss might have worn with her Girl on Fire dress in the Hunger Games.
So.  Feather Shoes.  I don't think I'm going to rush right out and buy a pair.  They were fun to look at, though.  And there are lots more of them if you want to go check them out and find your favorite design.


  1. Hey, you liked the feather thingy for your hair until your nieces nixed it! ME

    1. I tried it on because I thought it was cute in a funny way. But it was way too much floof on my head.
