Monday, September 16, 2013

Good Photography (for a change)

I love my friends.  I love that they post things on my facebook page that end up on this blog.  I love them for many other reasons that that, of course, namely because they are just plain awesome.  On Saturday a friend of mine posted a picture on my timeline from a wedding she was at (in fact, I'm pretty sure she was officiating said wedding).  I've spoken of this friend before; she's the friend I worked with at camp.  She is awesome, as are her shoes:

First off, adorable shoes.  Second, notice the photography.  I have no eye for details when it comes to this stuff (as I'm SURE you've noticed), I'm more of a point and click kind of person.  This friend probably pointed and clicked, too, but with a better eye you get better settings and details.  Even when I try it doesn't work out how I might have hoped.  Anyway, my whole point here is this:  adorable shoes, awesome friend.

On a completely separate note:  If you have some time on your hands today, click over to this slideshow of shoes from the Miss America pageant.  Actually, they have a parade just to show off the contestants' shoes.  Which is totally cool and highly weird.  Some of the shoes are somehow representative of their state.  Others, not so much.  Here is MT:

The snarky caption I read said "Montana is synonymous with nothing so much as BeDazzled wedges."  I don't get it, either.  Yay for sparkle, but those shoes are crazy.


  1. Gee, thanks. I feel pretty honored to be featured on *the* shoe blog in my life. I'm so glad you approved of my officiating shoe choice. About that side note, I have no idea what's going on in that picture. What is she sitting on? What's going on with her dress? Can she even stand up in those? Where exactly in Montana would you purchase those shoes?

    1. She is sitting on the back of a convertible. I don't think those are stand-up-able. And I have no idea. She couldn't just bedazzle some cowboy or hiking boots?
