Tuesday, September 3, 2013

HandbagTuesday: Kind of Blah Edition

Today I sent a text to my good friend asking her to choose a number.  She is awesome because she didn't even ask why, just texted back with 233.  Did I mention that she is awesome?  Well she is, but it turns out that page 233 in the Handbags book is rather boring:
This bag is from the 50s Lucite with a Moire silk lining.  There's nothing wrong with it, it's just not that exiting.  I do like the shape of it, though, and since it's hard-sided, it would be great for smacking people...
The Shoe book didn't do much better on pages 232-233:
Again, there's nothing wrong with this shoe.  I like red shoes, and I like Mary Janes so I like this shoe just fine.  It's just not that interesting.
Today's calendar picture is from the 80s (although you probably could have figured that out without my having told you):
These aren't my cup of tea, but at lest they have some color and interest to them.  So, Awesome Friend, you still rock my face off, it just wasn't the world's most exciting number.  Hopefully that won't stop you from choosing a number next time I ask!


1 comment:

  1. The handbag looks like an old fashioned canteen, weird. And no smacking people with your lunch box or purse/canteen! ME
