Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day

We woke up to rain this morning, which was really nice as we almost never get rain this time of year.  It meant the day was muggy, but cooler than usual.  So the hubby and I had a lazy Labor Day.  We hung out around the house this morning, and this afternoon after the rain stopped we decided to try geocaching.  We...weren't very good at it.  We looked for 2 near the house and couldn't find either of them despite the phone saying we were within a meter.  Clearly we need to learn more about it, maybe talk to someone who has done it before, because I don't think we were doing it right.  After the  nice walk but failed geocaching we went to see the new Percy Jackson movie.  I'm terrible with movies where I've read the books.  I'm almost always disappointed, and this was no exception.  It's a fine, even fun movie, but either the person who wrote it was drunk or was reading a very different book than I was.  Oh well, it was still a nice date.  Nothing too exciting in the shoe world today, although the calendar provided something nice:
Oooh, shiny!  I do love a shiny red shoe.  Hope you had/ a lovely Labor Day, wherever you are and whatever you did.

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