Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Holy Tuesday, Batman!

I am super tired as it was a long day.  It was one of those days where I got up and went non-stop.  I had a ton of stuff to do before I left the house, then errands to run before I even got to church.  At church I had 3 meetings, church related errands an outside appointment, and 2 phone appointments.  Oh, and preschool chapel, but that's almost always fun.  In between everything, I tried to accomplish as much as possible on my to-do list.  I had more errands after work, then home for a very brief time to hang with the hubby and now a very short post so I can go to bed. I'm tired, y'all.  So here is a rainbow of shoes for you to ponder until I have more energy to post more:

Good night.  Sleep tight.   Don't let the zipperumpazoos bite. (Source)

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