Monday, September 9, 2013

Fantasy Football

The hubby loves football.  He played in college and the opening Sunday of the season (yesterday) is like Christmas morning for him.  He also loves fantasy football.  In fact, he's in 3 leagues this year.  He also decided I needed to be in a league.  It started out with him telling a friend of ours that I would be "happy" to join if they didn't have enough players.  I fervently prayed that there would be enough players, but alas, no such luck.  So I have a team.  I actually won my first game this week.  Next week I play the hubby.  Oy.  I really have no clue what I'm doing.  I don't like football, and have never really been able to figure it out no matter how much it is explained to me.  It's like my brain simply won't accept the information.  I went to one game in college only because the BFF said I had to.  I pay attention to peripherally to the Griz since they are my college team, but I couldn't tell you a single player currently on the team.

Anyway, the hubby likes The Cowboys.  This is kind of funny as I used to live in the Dallas area and have lots of friends who also like The Cowboys.  I have no team affiliations.  Today I decided to look up Cowboys shoes.
These actually aren't bad.  The one thing the team has going for them is their blue.  I might consider wearing these if the occasion arose.

Not so much these.  Still like the blue.  Even like the silver.  Way too spot on, though. I'm certain there is  time and place to wear these.  I just hope my feet don't need to attend.

Likewise these.  Take off the logo (yes, I know that defeats the purpose), and I would wear them.

Oh hell no.  They look insanely uncomfortable on top of being hideous.
I think I'll stick to wearing the hubby's Cowboys shirt as pjs.  He and the bear can rock the Cowboys gear.



  1. The bean likes fantasy football. Maybe the 2 of you could collaborate. ME

    1. I told the brother when I was doing my draft that he needed to share The Bean with me!

    2. The bean told her dad last night, "Get me on a plane to CA immediately! Aunty needs my help!" ME

    3. Yes! I love that plan! Get that kid a plane ticket!
