Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Number Selection of the Week

I didn't ask anyone for a number today.  I noticed that this is my 265th post, so just decided to go with that as my number.  Page 265 in the Handbags book gives us more Lucite:
This one is hatbox shaped, which is kind of cool.  I don't dislike it, but again, it puts me in mind of whacking someone upside the head.  I think it's that Lucite is such a solid, unyielding material to make a purse out of.  It's definitely sturdy, but I can't quite imagine carrying one around.  So I went in search of more examples

I love the blue, and think the patterns in the 2nd picture are fun.  I appreciate this in a quirky, retro kind of way, but again, can't imagine carrying one around, no matter how cute the shape, how fun the color.
Page 265 of the Shoe Book is a little boring again this week:
Holy blurry picture, Batman!  Sorry about that.  But you get the idea:  Black and white.  And hey, black and white shoes have their place in the world.  I'm just not terribly thrilled with either of these.  How about some alternatives?

Better!  Well, at least in my opinion.  You'll have to find your own better alternatives if these aren't floating your boat. :-)


  1. I really like the purses in the 3rd picture. ME

    1. They look like you...must be why I chose them. :-)
