Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Happy Birthday, Seester!

Today, in case you didn't read the post title, is my sister's birthday.  I've spoken of my sister, before, and hopefully you've realized that she is awesome.  She is 6 1/2 years older, and had to share a room with me when we were kids.  She was neat, I was not.  She has actual decorating ability, I do not.  I borrowed her clothes (sometimes without asking).  She gave me advice on boys, hair, make-up, and lots of other stuff.  We didn't always get along, and we don't always agree now, but I know she is always there for me, always supports me, and is a wonderful wife and mother.  And today I am totally and completely jealous of her from a shoe perspective.  First, there is this:
Her birthday shoes are awesome!  Maybe not for everyone, but I think they are really cool.  They are vintage kimono material, and I love the colors.  I love these, but I had awesome shoes on my birthday, too, so I can't complain about that.  What I can be totally and completely jealous about, though is that my seester has shoes named after her.  Shoes.  Her name.  More than one kind.

And there are more.  Not only that, but there is a whole website with her name.  A website with shoes.  Shoes.  Did I mention that I am jealous?  It's a good thing I love her so gosh darn much, or I might have to hate her.  Happy Birthday, Seester!

1 comment:

  1. The shoe name is probably pronounced differently so you don't have to be quite as jealous. ME
