Saturday, September 21, 2013

Rain! rained today.  It's gray and cloudy and gloomy.  Not quite cold enough for sweats and fuzzy socks, but lovely nonetheless.   I miss living in a place that has more definitely defined seasons, so today feels a little like Fall.  The rain put me in mind of rain boots, of which there are a million cute varieties right now.  I think rain boots are adorable.  I don't actually own a pair, but I generally thing they're fun when I see them.  At least when they are deployed as rain boots.  I haven't quite gotten to the point where I can see them simply as a cute accessory to be worn with an everyday outfit.  Boots with skirts?  Cute.  Rain boots with skirts?  A little weird.  But hey, to each their own.  On to today's selections:

Here's hoping you have appropriately adorable footwear, whatever your weather!


  1. Unfortunately I find little kid rain boots far more attractive than big kid rain boots. Why can't big girls have boots with flowers on them also? ME

    1. No reason I can see. We might have to look and see if we can find some!

  2. Laughter likes and wants all of the boots! Apparently she's going to be a shoe girl just like her aunty. ME

    1. Nothing about the above comment surprises me when it comes to Laughter.
