Friday, September 20, 2013


I almost didn't post tonight because I'm in such a funky mood.  The good news is, I don't have a sinus infection!  The bad news is that I do have a virus, and I feel fairly crappy.  It's mostly a headache and ear pressure, with some delightful wheezing and coughing thrown in.  So I'm tired and achy and blah.  I'm also feeling blah for other reasons, which is a topic for another post.  At any rate, I wasn't going to subject you to my blah-ness, but then I started thinking about what I like to do for comfort when I feel icky (besides eating...eating my feelings is bad, but it happens).  If it weren't still quite warm here I would put on sweats and fuzzy socks and snuggle up in bed with tea and a book.  The book will still happen, but alas, it's way too hot for the others.  So, next best thing:

I went with all of my favorites:  blue, stripes, fuzzy, penguinos.  I know I've posted about fuzzy socks before (twice, actually), but it's my blog, and I'll repost if I want to.

1 comment:

  1. Drink the hot tea while you snuggle in bed (with just the sheet of course)and read your book. Maybe the heat will help drive out the virus and you will be comforted as well. You could take a pair of fuzzy socks to bed with you since they would also have comfort value. Glad it's a virus and not another round of antibiotics. ME
