Thursday, October 3, 2013

Boots, Continued

SBP apparently has the Fall boot bug, too, as today there are lots of pairs of boots posted.  One of my issues with that site is that it has a lot of women wearing lingerie and shoes, or in this case, boots.  I liked a few of the pairs, but didn't really want to include pictures that look at best like they should be in a Victoria Secret's ad.  I guess the name of the site lives up to itself.  Anyway, here are some more boots for you to peruse:

I actually kind of like these.  They seem a little slutty, though.  I'm not sure I could bring myself to wear them.

The thigh highs are weird enough, but the booties are even worse.  Do they really need a zipper AND laces?  Also, the bent knee sticking out through the laces looks dumb.

This whole outfit is hilarious to me.  I can't decide if the boots are horrible or OK.  I'm leaning mostly towards horrible, and yet, they aren't nearly as ugly as some of the other ones I've seen.  Gotta love levels of horribleness.

And this just cracks me up.  I found it while I was searching through images, and had to include it.  I'd like it more if it was the female pastor who wore biker boots, but oh well.  I am now trying to picture some of the pastors' wives I know wearing these.  I can come up with one definite possibility.

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