Friday, October 4, 2013


My mom and my aunt both sent me shoe pictures this week.  My aunt was in New York City and sent me these:

I love the fact that she became a shoe picture taking ninja for me.  She said the whole outfit was quite odd and impressive, and she was fascinated that she could walk in those shoes.  They don't look that high in the pictures, but if you look at the angle of her feet in first picture, they look really uncomfortable.  The only time I've been to NYC, I wore shoes that were waaaaay more sensible than these.
On a very different note, my mom sent me this picture:
Much more practical!  These are Laughter's boots.  I have no idea what the rest of the outfit looked like, but I like how the pants are all shoved up so we can see the boots.  I also like that my family takes the time to send me pictures so I can share them with you.
On a completely unrelated note, if you have some time, go check out this slideshow.  Some of them are amazing, most of them are just crazy/hideous/weird.  Go on!  You know you want to!

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