Sunday, October 13, 2013


I was tired and grumpy this morning for some reason.  It was one of those mornings where I felt like I was supposed to be in several different places, doing 6 different things at once, and I wasn't doing any of them well.  I'm sure I was grumpy with people who didn't deserve me to be grumpy with them.  My apologies to anyone I may have snarked wasn't you...I just suck sometimes.  Oh well, tomorrow is a new day, and hopefully I will be better at controlling the grumpies if they show up.  Here are some pictures that made me smile today, presented without comment as I have probably said enough already for one day.


Except for this one.  I HAVE to comment, because OMG, it's a penguin in socks.  Did you hear me?  A PENGUIN.  In SOCKS.  I might need to print this and put it in my office to look at on grumpy days. 


  1. And not just any old socks, BLUE socks! Cute.

  2. And BLUE socks. Apparently penguins get cold feet too :)
