Saturday, October 12, 2013

Bits and Pieces

The brother posted this on my facebook page this week, and I totally spaced adding it to last night's entry.  I *think* he said our 2nd cousin asked him to post them on my wall.  I have no idea if he actually said that or if I just made it up in my fogged up camp brain.
I think they were labeled as wedding shoes.  I'm not even sure what to say about them.  They're not over the top crazy or anything, but they are way too much for me.  I prefer my wedding shoes.
My aunt posted today that she was in Central Park with a friend of hers.  This particular friend has a tradition of taking pictures of her feet wherever she goes.  I asked the auntie to send me a foot picture and got this:
LOVE IT!!!  This was one of my favorite stops in Central Park when I was there a few years ago.  Didn't think to take a picture of my feet when I was there, though.  Hmmmm...wonder if the hubby wants to take a road trip?  Thank you, Auntie and friend for sending me this awesome picture!

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