Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I Can't Believe They Didn't Ask Me To Do The Christening

I have a voice today for the first time in 3 days.  It's not terribly strong, but at least it's there.  Yesterday was the worst, with me only being able to speak in a whisper for most of the day.  Of course, now I'm coughing delightful, yellow stuff out of my lungs; I kind of think I might prefer the voicelessness.  Today was a day of meetings, worship, and office cleaning.  I got other stuff done, too, I think, but for some reason it's kind of a blur.  My office is still pretty much a disaster, but I'm starting to make some headway into the mess left over from camp and then being gone for most of last week.
One fun thing I did today was to look at pictures from the christening of HRH Prince George.
How adorable are those cheeks?  I just want to squish them!  He seems supremely bored with the whole thing in all of the pictures I saw, which just made him more adorable.
I've done baptism shoes on here before, but in honor of little Prince Chubby Cheeks, here are some "boy" baptism shoes:

The prince's christening gown was too long to know if he was even wearing shoes, which is too bad, because random Lutheran Pastor Shoe Bloggers want to know...

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