Thursday, October 24, 2013

Wait...You DON'T Dress Your Bear Up For Halloween?

Pedro's Halloween costume came in the mail today!'s a long story, many of you know it, but the hubby and I have a bear named Pedro.  We started taking silly pictures of Pedro and sending them to each other.  Then, when I proposed to the hubby, Pedro helped me write a book about our relationship from his (Pedro's) perspective.  He has also written a book about our wedding and another about our first year married.  Some people have kids, we have a bear.  A bear for whom I buy outfits.  Last year Pedro channeled my Scottish ancestry for Halloween:
This year Pedro is going the superhero route.  He's...Batbear!
I of course had to put his outfit on him as soon as it came in the mail today.  And he's just so stinkin' cute that I then had to post the picture on Facebook and blog about him.  Yes, I need therapy.
OK, off of my Pedro obsession and on to my shoe obsession.  In honor of Batbear:

I think the hubby and I need to get us some Batman shoes so we can take our bear out trick-or-treating.  Then the men in white coats will come and take us away...


  1. Last year he looked regal, this year not so much. I think he prefers being a Highlander. ME

    1. Now poor Pedro is sad because his grandma doesn't like his Halloween costume...

    2. I didn't say I don't like it, I just think he looks sad. ME
