Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Ocean Waves

One of the best parts about this conference has been being right on the beach.  So, mostly I'm a mountain girl, but I do love the ocean.  As long as I don't have to deal with the sand.  Which makes it a bit more complicated.  I've realized in recent years that the sand pretty much drives me crazy.  If I'm just sitting on it, it's all good, but as soon as I move or walk or do anything, then it's everywhere.  If I could just avoid the sand, I would be fine.  But here, our room is right on the ocean, so I can look at it and listen to it all I want without having to deal with the sand.  I love listening to the waves crash, having them lull me to sleep and waking up to them in the morning.  In honor of that, here are some ocean inspired shoes...

I pretty  much wouldn't wear any of the above 3 pairs of shoes, but I like the bright colors, especially all of the shades of blue.

I don't know what is going on here, but I feel like someone isn't using the sense their mama gave them.  Did no one ever tell this person not to put their foot in weird shit on the beach?  Or anywhere else, for that matter?  Unless this person is being attacked, in which case I apologize, and turn my snarky attention to the person who isn't helping, just photographing. Somehow, though, I'm thinking it's more of the former and less the latter.

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