Thursday, October 17, 2013

Total Slacker

So, I pretty much failed in the picture taking department this week.  I didn't a single shoe picture at the conference, even though there were some cute ones.  I didn't take pictures of the BSF's shoes.  I didn't take a picture of my feet on the beach or in the ocean.  I didn't even take a picture of the pool.  Which, by the way, was coffin shaped.  WHY was the pool coffin shaped?  When I pointed this out to the senior pastor, he informed me that I think too much.  Rude.  Anyway, speaking of coffin-shaped things I don't understand, we can add this to the list:
I quite like shoes.  I write a dorky blog about shoes.  But I have absolutely no desire to be buried in a shoe-shaped coffin. What the heck, people???

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