Tuesday, October 29, 2013


First off, thank you to everyone for the encouragement about the 5K.  I'm fairly freaked out about it, especially since you all know about it now, but it definitely feels better with the support.
Today for a little frivolity I am heading back to the very neglected shoe and handbag books.  I asked the hubby for a number this morning when I was on the phone with him, and very kindly obliged, but I accidently told him to choose a number between 10 and 500 and the handbag book doesn't actually go up that high.  So of course he chose 500.  Silly brain and it's lack of proper memory of page numbers.  Anyhoo, it turns out page 500 in the shoe book is quite entertaining:

I know I've seen this shoe before.  Not sure if I've ever had it on the blog.  We're at almost 300 posts (!) so I can't remember every shoe.  I could go search, but I figure maybe you won't remember all of the shoes, either.  The fact that this is a giraffe shoe is interesting in that there is a riddle thing going around on facebook right now where if you answer the riddle incorrectly you have to change your profile picture to a giraffe for 3 days.  I'm not sure why a giraffe.  Wonder if I could use a giraffe shoe instead?
Just so the handbags book wouldn't feel left out, I flipped it open to a random page:
The picture doesn't really do justice to how cute this purse actually is.  The sequins are actually pink, and the whole thing is a bit shinier in the book.  It's from the 50s.  The imaginary shoe closet definitely needs one of these.
Corresponding page 349 from the shoe book.  Yawn.   I mean, red and shiny and ankle strap are all good, but this shoe is still kind of blah.  It's from the 70s, so it's perfectly appropriate for the era, but sadly it's also now back in style.  Thankfully we have random giraffe shoes to make our days complete and to make up for blah platforms.

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