Monday, October 28, 2013

We Might Be Crazy

Soooo...the hubby has been trying to get me back to the gym for awhile now.  I've written before about how hard it has been for me the past year or so, with being sick and being on icky prescriptions that make me gain weight.  We've talked before about trying one of those couch to 5K training schedules, and today we decided to register for a 5K, most likely in January, and get our butts in gear.  I've always kind of wanted to be a runner, but have never gotten into it.  I know people who love it.  The few times I've tried it I've had mixed feelings.  I'm putting this out there because I need some accountability.  It helps to have the hubby in this with me, but I figure the more people who can keep me on track, the better.  So you, friends, are my support team.   You know, if you want to be.  These are the shoes I have currently:
I wish they had more blue, but I like them and think they are bright and fun.  Hopefully the bright colors will give me something fun to look at while I stare grumpily at my feet.  For other sources of inspiration, I looked up some blue running shoes.

I love this color combination.

These are both fun and weird.

I don't think I would buy these, but I'm very drawn to the orange accents for some reason.

These are kind of the opposite of the ones I already have.  Strangely enough, even though these have more blue, I like mine better.  For some reason these seem more pink than blue.
Well, there's my inspiration.  Now we just have to see if the hubby and I can actually pull this off.



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I'll try to remember that no matter how much I hate it, at least I'm not running in MT with snow and ice and freezing temps!
